Rechtsreferendar für NGO & Social Business (Wahlstation/ Rechtsanwaltsstation) (m/f)
Founded in 2003, FLOCERT is the global certifier for Fairtrade International. Among many areas of operation, we mainly offer certification, verification, climate change related services, information and impact services from crop to shelf. Our key customers are disadvantaged producers, such as mid-sized agricultural organizations, smallholder farmers and farmworkers, in developing and emerging countries. In the northern hemisphere, we advise and support traders and manufacturers on their comprehensive sustainable purchasing activities and complex value supply chain management.FLOCERT has offices in Bonn, Cape Town, Bangalore and San José. With over 3,000 clients in more than 70 countries, a staff of 80 and over 100 auditors, we are one of the world’s leading social certification and verification bodies, bringing together producers, traders, brands and consumers.
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Infos zum Stationsangebot:
Stationsangebot vom: 07.12.2015
Ort: 53129 Bonn
Stationsangebot vom: 07.12.2015
» Anwaltsstation
» Wahlstation
» Wahlstation
Ort: 53129 Bonn
FDP-Landtagsfraktion Nordrhein-Westfalen
Rechtsreferendar (m/w/d) für die Wahlstation im Bereich Parlament und Politik